Nestled at the commercial heart of the Old Continent, Euronext stands as a formidable behemoth within the stock exchange arena. Spanning several venerated cities—Brussels, London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Lisbon—Euronext, as of the year 2017, claimed the prestigious title of Europe's preeminent stock exchange. With an impressive roster exceeding 1,200 issuers, the stock exchange boasts a market capitalization that soars to the dizzying heights of $4.3 trillion. The genesis of Euronext traces back to the turn of the millennium in 2000—resulting from the strategic amalgamation of the Amsterdam and Brussels Stock Exchanges and Paris Bourse. This fusion cemented its status as a financial colossus. The chronicles of Euronext took a notable turn in 2007 with its merger with the NYSE Group, engendering the NYSE Euronext. This union, however, saw dissolution, with Euronext re-emerging as a standalone company in 2014 after a successful initial public offering. Today, Euronext delineates itself in terms of market cap as a purveyor of market data and as a provider of settlement services and bespoke market solutions.